Nechama Moring
5 min readJan 24, 2020

This year for my birthday I decide to love myself

CN: aging, revolution, burying my dead baby, sexual violence mention, the people who raised me, sex, front lines shit, violence, me on my empath bullshit

It’s the night before my birthday, and I’m grateful for age, both the privilege and sheer luck and strategy of surviving to middle age, and the wisdom and magic the years gift us with. I’m almost 40, which is something like at least 60 in empath anarchist years, in the calculus of lives spent jumping into the fight, sight unseen, throwing down hard and loving harder, feeling everything through too thin skin, up late tryna find…

Nechama Moring

Queer writer, reproductive justice activist, educator, mother of Amado, soulmates with her pit bull, Samira. Grant writer by day —